For Children / 順勢療法和兒童

webphotosIt is every homeopath’s practical experience that, children being more susceptible, they also respond quicker to homeopathy. They like the sweet, small pills, so there is no fuss about taking medicines! These medicines are also easy to administer to infants. There are no side effects even when it is necessary to take them for a long time. The remedy arouses vital energy (immunity) to fight against the disease (rather than merely temporary relief from symptoms), so a child’s resistance power builds up.

A child’s health is affected by many factors, e.g. environment, pollution, stress during pregnancy, foods that the child eats or avoids eating, and quality time given to child by parents.

Acute diseases

Common cold
Otitis media

Chronic diseases

Allergic rhinitis
Chronic tonsillitis
Bronchial asthma

Conditions to go for hospitalization.

Case Study – a 3.5 year old girl, brought in with a complaint of cough, high fever, and a runny nose for 3 days. She had history of contact with another child who already had a cough and cold. This was the 2nd time in a month that she had come down with the symptoms. On examination, the child was very breathless, panting, with a fever of 103.8 F. She had stopped taking anything orally. On auscultation, rales and rhonchi were heard. This is the time when child should go for hospitalization. As this child may need bronchodilator, her hydration had to be restored by giving intravenous fluid.

Other conditions are-

  • sudden breathlessness in a child who was previously playing well. This indicates a foreign body in the respiratory tract. Child may have put something in nose or mouth.
  • a child who stopped taking anything by mouth and who has not passed urine for the last 8 -12 hrs should be treated immediately for dehydration, and then treated for the underlying disease.
  • a child who looks cyanosed (bluish in colour). This may be in status asthmaticus, a condition where bronchial asthma is not better even after medication or in severe bronchiolitis.








案例分析–一名3歲半的女孩,持續3天咳嗽,發高燒,流鼻涕。她曾與另一個咳嗽和感冒的孩子接觸過。這是她1個月內第2次出現這些症狀。經檢查,孩子呼吸 急促,喘氣,高燒103.8 度(華氏)。她已經停止進食。聽診時,聽見羅音及乾囉音。這時候孩子應該送院。因為她可能需要氣管擴張藥物和通過靜脈注射來補充身體水分。

其他情況 –


•孩子停止進食,並且在過去的8 -12小時沒有排尿,應立即按脫水病狀接受治療,之後再治療引發脫水的成因。
